Welcome to Cascade, Washington

"This is the Cascade Department of Transportation with today's traffic updates. Many of the city's main streets and bridges are under construction at this time. This construction may cause significant traffic delays. Please be aware of this and add additional time to your daily commute. Detour signs are prominately displayed to help ease the changes in your usual traffic routes.

The parking lots of several of our larger shopping centers and malls is currently being used to store large construction and road working equipment. Traffic to the harbor and docks is also being detoured to alternate routes so be aware.

The City of Cascade apologies for any inconvenience these repairs may cause you. Thank you for your patience. This is the City of Cascade Department of Transportation broadcasting on 560 on your AM dial."

"This traffic is *so* screwed!"
"You just now figuring this out, Darwin?"
"Right. Give me a break, Big Guy..."

*** And now for Sports. The Jags pulled a 12 point lead over their rivals, the... ***

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Disclaimer: "The Sentinel" and all its characters legally belong to Pet Fly Productions and Paramount Productions and is currently
being shown on the Sci-Fi channel etc. This site is for fan enjoyment only and is not meant to infringe on any copyrights in any way. No money is being exchanged. All displayed stories belong to the declared author and are not to be published without her explicit consent.
Original design of this site by Rowan 2/2001. * * * This site belongs to Rowan.
Last modified 27 October, 2001.